Affirmation Tapes

Get instant access to my affirmation tapes with your purchase. Each affirmation tape is designed to help you embody what you want so you can manifest and call in your specific desire.

Manifest Your Specific Person Affirmation Tape

Manifest your specific person, crush, or ex back. This meditation will help you flip the script so that your SP, ex, or crush is obsessed with you.

Manifest Money in 24 Hours or Less Meditation

Surround yourself with abundance and manifest money in 24 hours or less. This meditation will have you believing that you are so worthy of all of your desires and you can have it all. It will also help you to manifest money on the fly. Get it today and start manifesting abundance.

Manifest Your Dream Body Bundle

Manifest Your Dream Body Affirmation Tape Bundle uses Law of Assumption principles to get you immediately into the wish-fulfilled state and keeps you there so you can manifest massive changes to your body image and then see it reflected in the 3D.

The Dream Body Affirmation Tape guides you to create a new version of yourself and overhaul your body image self-concept quickly.

Manifest Friends Affirmation Tape

You are so deserving and worthy of the most amazing friends. Listen to this affirmation tape to manifest your new group of friends & bestie.

You've got it. It is done. I love you so much!

Worthiness Meditation

Do you feel unworthy to manifest all of your dreams?

Do you feel resistance to manifesting all your desires?

Do you feel a sense of guilt when trying to imagine yourself with a new life?

Then it’s time that you up-leveled your self-concept to feel worthy of manifesting big and calling in your dreams!

Worthiness is your birthright and it’s time to break free of all the years of conditioning from family, friends, and society to become a new version of yourself, the person you were always meant to be.